Sabtu, 08 Februari 2014



A conjunction (conj / CNJ) is one kind of word that connects two items (words, sentences, phrases, or clauses) together. In Indonesian 'conjunction' is also known as conjunctions, coupling, or conjunction.

>>The forms of conjunctions / conjunctive

1 . Coordinating conjunctionCoordinating conjunctions , also be called ' coordinators ' , a conjunction that connects two or more words , clauses , or sentences , which has the syntactic form ( the rules in terms of making sentences ) are the same . Examples of coordinating conjunctions are: for , and , nor , but , or , yet , and so . To make it easier to memorize commonly abbreviated fanboys .

1. Meaning and example in the sentence :a. For the meaning ' because . '
Example : Al - Hadi Imamsyah always keeps the lights on , for he is afraid of sleeping in the dark .The word ' for' is more commonly used as a preposition / bermakana prepositions ' to . 'Example : 
A chew is used for cutting wood . 
b . And that means ' and . 'Example : My sister lives in South Sulawesi , and my brother lives in North Sulawesi .
 c . Nor which means ' and . 'Example : Ali does not enjoy learning English , nor does he enjoy football . [ negatives ] 
d . But that means ' but . 'example :· Muh . Imran enjoys learning English , but he does not enjoy playing football .· My shoes are old but comfortable .
 e . Yet that means ' yet . 'Example : Muh . Imran enjoys learning English , yet he does not enjoy playing football . 
f . Or meaning ' or . 'example :· Next month I will go to my hometown , or I may just stay in Makassar .· Next month I will go to my hometown or may just stay in Makassar . 
g . So that means ' so / therefore . 'Example : I have a dream to go abgroad , so I have to study English more .

2 . correlative conjunctionCorrelative conjunctions , also commonly called ' paired conjunctions ' , is paired conjunctions that coordinate or harmonize 2 items ( words , sentences , phrases , or clauses ) . For example : both ... and ; not only ... but also ; either ... or ; Neither ... nor .· Meaning and example in the sentence :a. Both ... and that beramakna ' both 'Example : Both Muh . Shihab and Muh . Hasan Basri are the members of the New Generation Club .The two subjects are connected by ' both ... and ' is plural .b . Not only ... but also meaningful ' not only ... but also 'example :· Not only my sister but also my brother is in Makassar .· Not only my sister but also my brothers are in Makassar .When there are two subjects are connected by not only ... but also , either ... or , or Neither ... nor ' the subject closer to the verb determines whether the verb is singular or plural .c . Either ... or that bermakana ' either ... or / also 'example :· Either my sister or my brother is in Makassar .· Either my sister or my brothers are in Makssar .d . Neither ... nor meaningful ' either ... or ... do not 'example :· Neither my sister nor my brother is in Makassar .· Neither my sister nor my brothers are in Makssar .
3 . subordinating conjunctionSubordinating conjuctions , also called ' subordinators ' , are conjunctions that introduce a sentence . Conjunctive ' subordinating ' used in the adverb clause which can not stand alone without the presence of that led her sentence . Examples of conjunctive ' subordinating ' is as follows .Time : after , before , when , while , as , as soon as , since , until , by the time , once , Whenever , every time etc .Cause and effect : Because , now that , since etc .Contrast : even though , although , etc though .Direct contrast : while , whereas etc .Condition : if , unless , only if , Whether or not , even if , in case , in the event that etc .The example in the form of a sentence :· Because he was sleepy , he went to bed . [ wear coma ]· He went to bed Because he was sleepy . [ no comma ]· Now that the term is over , I'm going to go to my hometown . [ wear coma ]· Since it 's raining , I can not go to campuss . [ wear coma ]' Since ' means ' because ' , and ' now that' mean ' for now . 'For more about subordinating conjuction silahakan looking for books that discuss it in detail .


Elliptical Constructions is a sentence structure that can be used to indicate / show that a person, object or animal do / not to do something, and then add (a person, object or animal) were also experiencing the same thing. Function of Elliptical Constructions is to avoid unnecessary repetition of words (not important) in a sentence. For more details, please see the example sentences below:

>>Example Sentences Elliptical Constructions:

I am happy and you are too.

(saya senang dan kamu juga) 


Nouns clause is a clause that functions as a noun. Or in other words are also used or noun clause has the same function as a noun (a noun). Because of its function as a noun, it can function as a noun clause: a sentence subject (the subject of a sentence), transitive verb object (object of a transitive verb), prepositional object (object of a preposition), complement (complement), and giving additional information (noun in apposition). For more details, please note the examples below. 

Functions and Examples Noun Clause

1. Noun clause as subject of the sentence (the subject of a sentence)
  Example sentence:

What you said does not convince me at all.
Apa yang kamu katakan tidak meyakinkan aku sama sekali)

2. Noun clause as transitive verb object (object of a transitive verb)
  Example sentence:

I know what you mean.
Saya tahu apa yang kamu maksud) 


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