Sabtu, 25 Januari 2014


Everyone likes to hear compliment. Compliments make people feel good themselves, and we all need that at times. This is the expressions below that can be used when giving and responding to compliments.

Giving Compliments :
-That's very nice....(dress)
-Great job on the....(presentation)
Responses to compliments :
-How kind of you to say so
-I'm glad you like it.

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To express the faith that something has been/ is being/ will happen, use the following phrases :
-I'm sure : Saya yakin
-I absolutely sure : Saya benar-benar yakin
-I'm certain : Saya yakin

If you have question :
"Will Amir pass the exam?" = "Apakah Amir akan lulus ujian?"
Can respond with :
-"Yes, I'm sure he will" = "Ya, saya yakin dia akan lulus"

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Sabtu, 18 Januari 2014


1. A bargain is defined as something that you buy that costs less than it normally does.
A purchase made at a sale is an example of a bargain.
2. The definition of a bargain is an understanding between two people on the cost of goods or services.
If someone agrees to sell a product at 10 percent of as long as the other person orders at least 12, that is an example of a bargain.

Some Points to keep in mind
-Ask a trusted local
-See what locals pay

When bargaining, do so responsibly :
-Be honest
-Choose your battles
-Even in cultures where haggling is the norm, many items do have fixed price.

Example of conversation
X : Can I help you?
Y : Yes, thanks. I want to know how much that shirt is?
X : Which one, Sir?
Y : The blue one, please.
X : It is three hundred thousand rupiahs.
Y : It's too much. Can you let me have it for less?
X : I am sorry, Sir. But it's a good price.
Y : Okay then, I'll think about it.
X : That's alright, Sir.

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Giving Invitation is an expression that is disclosed when there is someone who wants to ask other persons to come to a place or when there is someone who ask others to do something for her/him.

-Could you come to my party?
-I'd like you to.....
-Can you......?
-Would you like to.....?
-I'd like to invite you to.....

*Answer/ Respon
-That's very kind of you
-I'd love to go with you
-Thanks for your invitation. I'll happy to come/join/....
-I'd be happy to go

Example in dialogue
Nadira : Hi Nabila.
Nabila : Hi Nadira.
Nadira : Are you free tonight?
Nabila : Yes, I have nothing to do.
Nadira : I'd like to invite you to go to Ayu's house.
Nabila : Ok, I'd be happy to go.
Nadira : Ok. See you on 7 p.m.
Nabila : Ok see you.

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