Minggu, 02 Maret 2014


The imperative 

We can use the imperative to give a direct order :

  • Take that chewing gum out of your mouth. 
  • Stand up straight. 
  • Give me the details. 

We can use the imperative to give instructions.

  • Open your book. 
  • Take two tablets every evening. 
  • Take a left and then a right. 

We can use the imperative to make-an invitation.

  • Come in and sit down. Make yourself at home. 
  • Please start without me. I'll be there shortly. 
  • Have a piece of this cake. It's delicious. 

We can use the imperative on signs and notices.

  • Push. 
  • Do not use. 
  • Insert one dollar. 

We can use the imperative to give friendly informal advice.

  • Speak to him. Tell him how you feel. 
  • Have a quiet word with her about it. 
  • Do not go. Stay at home and rest up. Get some sleep and recover. 

We can make the imperative 'more polite' by adding 'do'.

  • Do be quiet. 
  • Do come. 
  • Do sit down.
Source: (http://www.englishgrammarsecrets.com/imperative/menu.php)

Sabtu, 01 Maret 2014


Degrees of Comparison are used when we compare one person or one thing with another .

There are three Degrees of Comparison in English .

They are :

1 . Positive degree .

2 . Comparative degree .

3 . Superlative degree .

Let us see all of them one by one .

Sabtu, 22 Februari 2014


The verbs ' convince ' and ' persuade ' are very similar in meaning , but there is a difference in how we use them .
After ' persuade ' we use the structure
to + infinitive :

  • I persuaded them to stay for another drink .
  • He persuaded her not to take the job .

After ' convince ' we can not use a verb infinitive . We say ' convince someone that' :

  • She convinced the police that she was telling the truth .
  • He convinced her that it was the right thing to do .

Both of the above sentence would also be correct without 'that' :

  • She convinced the police she was telling the truth .
  • He convinced her it was the right thing to do .

meaning :
There can also be a subtle difference in meaning between ' convince ' and ' persuade ' , as seen here :
Although Robert finally persuaded his girlfriend to move abroad with him , she was not fully convinced that it was the best thing to do .

In the example , Robert 's girlfriend was persuaded ( to move) but was not convinced ( that it was the correct decision) . So , we can see that when we persuade someone to do something it does not always mean that we have also convinced that person .

One more thing is worth mentioning about ' persuade ' and ' convince ' . If we are absolutely sure about something , I'm convinced we say :

  • - Are you sure he 's innocent ?
  • - Yes , I'm convinced . NOT I'm persuaded

Some related words :

  • convincing ( adjective ) It was a convincing argument .
  • persuasive ( adjective ) Marta can be very persuasive when she wants .
  • persuasion ( noun ) He used his powers of persuasion

source:  http://speakspeak.com/confusing-words/convince-and-persuade


Here are some examples of phrases and sentences that can be used to express or express obligation and the Necessary .

A. Obligation

1 . using adjectives : Obligatory , Compulsory , Needless , Unnecessary

Example Sentence :

  • It is obligatory for the people to Participate in education .
  • Entering elementary school is compulsory in Indonesia .
  • That's a needless thing to speak with him .
  • It's unnecessary to sit under the tree for hours .
  • Etc. .

2 . Use nouns : Obligation , Compulsion , a Need , Necessity

Example Sentence :

  • There is a legal obligation to enter the army .
  • It's compulsion to obey your parents .
  • It's a need for everybody to eat nutritious food .
  • Is it a necessity for man and woman to sit apart ?

3 . Use Verbs : Oblige

Example Sentence :

  • My father obliged me to study every night .

4 . Use Capital Auxiliaries : Must , Have to , ought to , Should

Example Sentence :

  • You must obey your parents .
  • Every Muslim must pray five times a day .
  • I have to go now .
  • You ought to repair my watch .
  • Those shoes should be repaired .
  • I ought to wake up early
  • Etc. .

The word "must " have a very strong sense of ( strong ) . The use of the word " must" is more Likely to have meaning on a must already be an obligation to do .

B. Necessary

Example Sentence :

  • I think it's not your necessity to follow the party .
  • To sleep at noon is being my necessity .
source: http://bahasainggrisonlines.blogspot.com/2013/06/contoh-kalimat-expressing-obligation-and-necessary.html

Minggu, 16 Februari 2014


Ever it we read a cooking recipe and how to cook it , or did we ever read how to use a tool ?
           Let us try to learn the material below :
The Expressions :

I. Beginning
- The first thing you do is ....
 - To begin with .....
 - To start with ....
 - First .....
II . Continuing
- And .....
 - Then .....
 - And then .....
 - Next ..... + Verb in the imperative form
 - After this ...... ( infinitive without to )
 - Following this .....
 - When ( this done ) / ( you've done this) ......
 - Once ( this is done ) / ( you've done this) ......
 - While ( something else is happening ) .......
III . ending
- Finally .....
 - Lastly ......
 - To finish .....


We've all and often it give the same advice a friend or also seek advice from friends or perhaps people who we think of as a friend, but you do not ever ask for and give advice (asking and giving suggestion) use the English language?

Well there is a way below asking and giving suggestion and also for example :

Sabtu, 08 Februari 2014


Asking other people’s opinions:
  • What do you think of ….
  • Is that true that ….
  • Do you think it’s going …
  • Why do they behave like that?
  • Do you have any idea?
  • How do you like …..?
  • Please give me your frank opinion.
  • What’s your opinion?
Expressing opinions:
  • In my opinion, …..
  • I feel ….
  • I personally believe …..
  • I am certain, sure, positive, convinced.
  • I personally think…..
  • I agree
  • I personally feel …..
  • I disagree
  • Not everyone will agree with me, but ….
  • It seems that ….
  • To my mind ….
  • Well, personally ….
  • From my point of view…..
  • If I had my way, I would ….
  • As I see it
  • What I’m more concerned with is …..
  • I think ….
  • In my case ….
  • I believe……
  • Absolutely.